first install linux PC routernya use, up to want to wear anything ... but if I still use slackware. information, download the VLAN package at ~ greear /
extract tar-zxvf *. tar.gz vlan (make sure the kernel is in use already support 802.1q) "but surely if we are using sekarang2 kernel must have support browww" into the vlan directory and build with the make command .... after the build up vconfig. this program to manage all vlan configurations.
ok ".. do it"
first turn off eth0 on linux pc router [# ifconfig eth0 down], we activate the eth0 interface by giving ip [# ifconfig eth0 up].
vlan address configuration information [vconfig add eth0 # 1] order to enable vlan 1, then the system will create a device linux vlan0001.
vlan0001 given ip at [# ifconfig-i vlan0001 netmask broadcast up]
see by using the command [# ifconfig-a]
command to do the same in well to create another vlan
vlan 2:
# vconfig add eth0 2
# ifconfig-i vlan0002 netmask broadcast
vlan 3:
# vconfig add eth0 3
# ifconfig-i vlan0003 netmask broadcast
So much configuration on the linux system, now entered into the console or telnet cisco catalyst, and then give the fa0/24 trunk mode in order to synchronize with a PC eth0 on linux router has the configuration, well here it is the configuration
# conf t
# interface FastEthernet0/24
# duplex full
speed # 100
# switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
# switchport mode trunk
the right to synchronize between your PC and router linux Catalystnya ... then we stepped into the last event ... ie eating hehehe. ngak wall.
last step we are binding vlan configuration on the PC linux router to an existing port on the Catalyst
vlan 1 on port 1, then we must provide a configuration like this:
# conf t
# interface FastEthernet0 / 1
# duplex half
# switchport access vlan 1
# switchport mode access
vlan 2 on port 2, then we must provide a configuration like this:
# conf t
# interface FastEthernet0 / 2
# duplex half
# switchport access vlan 2
# switchport mode access
vlan port 3 on 3, then we must provide a configuration like this:
# conf t
# interface FastEthernet0 / 3
# duplex half
# switchport access vlan 3
# switchport mode access
finished .. yuk we go home hehehe
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